This page includes the release notes for Intuiface 5.x. You may also have a look at Known Limitations or at release notes for Intuiface Player for Tablets and Player for Kiosks.
Release notes of Version 6.0 and higher are available at Release Notes: Composer and Player for Windows and at Release Notes: Player for Tablets and Player for Kiosks.
Have an older release? See our release notes for Version 4 or our release notes for Version 3.
Intuiface Composer and Player for Windows 5.x
- Corrected a licensing vulnerability
- Touch and gesture behave correctly again on Windows 10. A nasty Windows 10 patch from Microsoft, whose deployment has started November 14th, was seriously altering the way touch events were managed by Intuiface Player for Windows. This might have led to erratic touch-related behaviors in the Intuiface Experience being played.
If you have Players 5.7.x on Windows 10, please upgrade your Players to 5.7.7. This will fix a nasty touch and gesture issue leading to erratic touch-related behaviors in the Intuiface Experience being played.
- A file referenced via an Excel interface asset retains its original name when emailed as an attachment by the Configurable Email interface asset.
- A ghost process no longer remains in memory when the taskbar is used to close Player for Windows.
- 2 other minor issues corrected
- Prepares for the jump to Version 6.0. You'll need to be on this version when it's time to upgrade.
- Using Player for Kiosks and/or Player for Tablets? We've made some big performance improvements to all scrollable, ordered collections like the Carousel and Asset Flow.
- Crazy hard to reproduce Composer crash (and occasionally broken bindings) caused by closing an edited Excel spreadsheet accessed via the Excel interface asset - DEFEATED! Thank you to all the users who reported this issue. See you bug, wouldn’t want to be you.
- Snapshots of Version 5.6 or earlier experiences in Management Console and the Composer/Player Experiences panel now update consistently. No more yelling, "Hey! I fixed that already!"
- Gave the Web Browser asset a good once-over
- For select websites, scrolling works again. (If you haven't run into this problem, don't worry about it.)
- Touching on-page Combo and Check boxes no longer causes the keyboard to display
- Keyboard correctly opens when a form field is selected even in some edge cases
- If configured to do so, Player for Windows will restart even if the PC firewall blocks some ports. Computer ports, not those things for boats.
- Corrected rare state when opening a Version 5.7.3 project caused an “Unexpected error” to occur
- Eliminated three crash conditions introduced in Version 5.7.3. Shame on us.
- Greek onscreen keyboard. Η αναμονή τελείωσε!
- Excel Interface Asset supports spreadsheets with fully numeric names. Not a very descriptive naming convention but we don't judge.
- "Reset" action of the Scratch Card Design Accelerator no longer - for some odd reason - changes the "Scratched percentage" parameter of the "Reaches percentage" trigger.
- In Play Mode and Player, if all items in the Scroll Collection are either immediately visible or scrolled into view, it is no longer possible to scroll them out of view.
- Player for Windows agent - used by the remote deployment feature - now launches when a password-free Windows session is automatically started upon system boot.
- 14+ additional minor bugs and 3 crashes conditions have been corrected. That's "minor" as in not affecting most users, not bugs under the age of 16.
- Excel spreadsheets - accessed via the Excel interface asset - can now reference files with the htm, html, css, and js extensions, causing those referenced files to be published with the rest of the project from Composer. If you don't know what those file types are then this is an issue you never had to worry about.
- GIFs larger than 2 million pixels are converted into a smaller memory consuming image format. This will prevent excessive memory consumption caused by large animated GIFs. What are you, lazy? Make a video!
- Edge cases causing breakage of updated interface assets have been eliminated. Most commonly, this issue affected use of the Clock interface asset.
- Correction of 4 bugs affecting the Excel interface asset when used by Player for Tablets and Player for Kiosks. That's right, Player for Windows was playing by the rules.
- Set index action for the Carousel and Asset Flow collections now work if the collection is hidden
- 13 additional minor bugs fixed.
- 3 crash conditions eliminated.
- Corrected 3 issues affecting the editing of the Scroll collection and its content
- Removed an edge case in which items could be thrown out of a scene after scene-to-scene navigation without an animation effect
- 10+ additional bug fixes
- 4 crash conditions eliminated, including the one linked to closing an edited Excel workbook
- Scroll Collection: Place assets and collections on a large canvas visible through a window. Move the canvas in any direction with swipe or mouse gestures, revealing different parts of the canvas within the window. It's the microwave of Intuiface: you didn't know how much you needed it until you tried it.
- Toggle Button sets: Enhancement of the Toggle Button control, automatically permitting one and only one Toggle Button within a set of buttons to be checked. Yes, show-off, it's like a radio button.
- Speech Recognition Interface Asset: (Windows only) Use the spoken word as a trigger for one or more actions. Supports 26 different languages. "Intuiface, make me dinner!"
- Google Analytics Connector: Automatically load data points collected by the Analytics feature of Intuiface into any one or more of your Google Analytics properties.
- To give you more freedom to try out our Analytics capability, we've removed limits on the number of data points that can be created by Composer. It is only for Player that you need to consider purchasing a Analytics Plan.
- Player for Kiosks now supports Samsung SMART Signage Platform 4 - aka SSSP4 - known for its support of the Tizen-based operating system. In addition, Player for Kiosks has ended support for Samsung SMART Signage Platform 3 (aka SSSP3). -"Change language" action: (Windows only) Change the keyboard language to any of the 30+ languages supported. You'll find this action next to the "Call URL" and "Launch application" actions for the "Overall experience" in the Triggers & Actions panel.
- Speaking of the "Launch Application" and "Call URL" actions, their parameters can now be derived from an external source via binding. No more being limited to hard coding it at design time.
- "Display loading images" property of all ordered Collections determines whether or not items in the process of loading should be represented visually.
- Chronometer Interface Asset can be started from a specific time instead of always from 0.
- Custom .NET interface assets can write to the Composer/Player trace.log file for debug purposes.
- "About" panel of Composer and Player displays renewal and expiration dates for subscription and perpetual licenses
- Additional small usability enhancements you won't notice but will subconsciously love.
- "Reaches percentage" trigger of the Scratch Card Design Accelerator will correctly fire only once.
- "Moved into focus" trigger works again for the Slide Show Collection
- “Next" and "Previous” actions are now working for the Slide Show Collection
- Additional minor bugs or usability enhancement
- 4 crash conditions have been eliminated. We've crashed the crashes.
- Dropbox will not be available as a cloud storage option for new Intuiface accounts or new storage needs. Those already using Dropbox for experience storage should prepare for discontinued support in June-2017. Intuiface will continue to support Intuiface Cloud Storage, FTP/FTPS and Amazon AWS/S3.
- Player for Tablets on the iPad has ended support for iOS 8 or earlier. iPad users must be running no less than iOS 9.
- Player for Kiosks has ended support for Samsung SMART Signage Platform 3 (aka SSSP3)
- Eliminates Player and Composer Play Mode crashes linked to use of the Video asset. Doesn’t happen consistently but could affect all users of Version 5.6 so don’t delay your upgrade.
- New InterFace Asset for comparing three values. Example: check if value a is between value x and y.
- Six free mini-game sample experiences in the Marketplace you can use to gamify your experiences. Read about gamification here.
- All RFID tag triggers work again (including remote actions)
- In Composer's Edit Mode, a tag ID detected by a tag reader is again displayed in the "Tag ID" field of the two Tag "Detects a tag" triggers. This process is described here
- Replacing an image with a Fill Behavior of "Fit" with an image of a different ratio no longer results in deformity of the new image
- 6 minor bugs were corrected
- 3 crash conditions were eliminated
31-Aug-2016 (Overrides v.5.6.1 and v.5.6.2.)
- A running experience no longer freezes when the Web Browser asset is scrolled while its “Interaction mode” property is set to “Map pan and zoom”.
- Hidden Animated GIFs no longer impact Composer performance
- Deletion of all scenes in an experience is no longer possible.
- “Set opacity” action works again in a layer with a maximized image.
- 3 additional Composer bugs have been corrected
- 7 issues are fixed in the embedded "Player for Tablets/Kiosks" option of Composer's Play Mode
- 4 crash conditions have been eliminated
- Transparent video support: (Windows only) Play videos containing an alpha channel - i.e. transparent videos. Specific formats are required; see here for guidelines. Or did we make those guidelines transparent……
- Transparent experience backgrounds: (Windows only) A mind blower. Show third party apps running behind Player and even enable users to interact with both Intuiface and third party apps at the same time. Also referred to as a transparent Player, you're not going to believe your eyes.
- "Fill behavior" property: Permits greater control over how images, videos, webcam feeds and image buttons are displayed within their container. Options include fit, fill and deform.
- Animated GIF support: Animated GIFs (with or without transparency) are hip again and Intuiface is as cool as a cucumber so they make a great pair. Show your favorite animated GIFs in Intuiface.
- "Enclose" binding converter: Added in response to numerous requests. An addition to the Text Manipulation family of converters, the "Enclose" converter is used to place specified text both before and after input text.
- "Scroll offset" property: For Asset Grid collections, this new property reflects the number of pixels through with an Asset Grid has been scrolled. With it you can synchronize - via binding - the scrolling of multiple Asset Grids at the same time.
- Composer launch performance: We've tweaked some aspects of Composer that enable it to start 50% faster than it has in the past. Who doesn’t love faster?
- Improved Excel support for Play Mode: When Play Mode is set to use "Player for Tablets/Kiosks" - described here - the Excel interface asset actions "Add row" and "Update cell" are now available
- Increased size of Intuiface Cloud Storage: 3GB for Composer Free, 10GB for Composer Pro, 30GB for Composer Enterprise.
They're almost all minor / edge cases so we'll be mysterious about them, keeping our relationship with you fresh.
- Eliminated edge case where collected data points - for the Analytics feature - would not be uploaded to the Analytics Hub
- 5 other bug corrections
- 2 usability updates
- 5 crash conditions eliminated
- Terms & Conditions: Added clause expressing Intuiface's ability to change any posted price after 15 days notice.
- Experience data accessed via the Excel interface asset is more quickly refreshed after the referenced Excel spreadsheet is updated. Alternative option was to slow it down. Hope we made the right decision!
- Web Browser asset no longer displays its keyboard after a selected text input field on a webpage is either hidden or loses focus
- Use of the Video asset’s “Show Last Image” option no longer prevents video rewind
- Excel bindings are properly established when - to create an Excel interface asset - drag-and-drop is used with a single column Excel spreadsheet, referencing external media, and the associated media folder. If you ever wondered what an “edge case” is, now you know.
- The Open Street Map provider for the Map collection has been changed from MapQuest to Mapbox. The reasons for this change are described here. Instructions for working with Mapbox are here. This is a net positive change as you’re gaining much more map design flexibility.
- Additional Webcam asset resolution presets are available
- Reduced rendering latency and aspect ratio for Webcam asset when set to Full HD
- Corrected ability to load interface assets when the overall experience name contains non-alphanumeric characters
- Alignment buttons in Composer no longer mistakenly trigger Play Mode
- Use of a mouse to manipulate the 3D Model asset works again in all cases
- The Hide and Show actions can apply the opposite effect to all other items in the same layer or same Group/Pinboard collection
- Use the new Move to front and Send to back actions to change the visual stacking of items on-screen. (In Composer's Edit Mode you can also move things in the scene to the front or back of their layer/Group/Pinboard using the right-click menu.) Call it 'z order' to impress your friends.
- Webcam asset permits camera selection (if more than one is available) and resolution (320x240, 640x480 or best available for the webcam)
- Ability to disable the next and previous swipe gestures of the Flip Chart collection. The old method was to yell "Darn!" and swipe back to the original item.
- Improved organization of the Triggers and Actions panel - as well as of the binding panel - should make it a lot easier for all of you who don't read manuals to figure out how to work with triggers, actions and binding.
- 8 additional, minor usability enhancements
- Improved text rendering in Text assets and Buttons when using line wrap, justify, & margins (in Buttons) and when text contains multiple consecutive space characters.
- YouTube asset no longer displays YouTube's 'similar videos' selector when the active video is finished. It's none of your audience's business!
- “Clear column filter” action for Excel works again
- Binding for output of the Linear Converter interface asset works again. Congrats to those who noticed!
- Keyboard 'Close' button is again properly displayed
- X, Y and Z coordinates of a manipulated 3D Model asset are now the same during Edit Mode and Play Mode in Composer
- Rounded, translucent rectangle displayed in the background of a Video asset is no longer displayed when starting a video. We were displaying the Play button to be helpful but it was kind of obvious that the video was playing.
- An orange veil is no longer displayed in Composer's Edit Mode in the scene over Text assets and Buttons when their content is bound. The veil is only displayed when clicking on these assets to edit their content.
- On Windows running .NET Framework v.4.6 or v.4.6.1: If Player is launched while the touchscreen is off / not connected, touch events will again work after the touchscreen is connected / turned on.
- NOTE: In Player for Windows, to get access to the mouse after touching the screen, the user must right-click once
- When drag-and-dropping PowerPoint projects onto Composer, you will now be warned by a popup message that all running instances of PowerPoint will be killed if import proceeds. (PowerPoint will not be killed if using Composer's formal import function.)
- 12 additional minor bug fixes.
- 6 crash conditions were corrected.
- We've discontinued our Instagram support. For information, see this posting in our User Community.
- Croatian keyboard. It’s all digital so this stuff isn’t hard to get.
- URL Broadcast is no longer biased to .com so it can work with any domain extension, including .edu, .info, .net, .biz and .gov.
- Hidden YouTube asset will no longer autoplay. “Hear me!” it said but it had to wait its turn.
- 12 minor bug and usability issues fixed. Back off bugs.
- Multiple corrections in Player for Tablet/Kiosk. The word ‘correction’ is a nice way of saying bugs. These corrections are listed here
- Design for accessibility, because 1 in 7 people worldwide possess some kind of disability
- Text-to-speech: Generate speech for both static and dynamic text. (Windows only) You should check it out; you’re a bit of a mumbler.
- Keyboard triggers: Key presses can act as triggers for any Intuiface actions. For example, use arrow keys for navigation. The keyboard is no longer just a pretty face.
- Gestures for static assets: Any onscreen gesture initiated on a static asset can act as a trigger for any Intuiface actions. Don’t overdo it or it’ll look like you’re massaging the screen.
- Support for beacons using the iBeacon™ and Eddystone™ protocols. Why care? It means your experiences can know what is brought near them; you can then do something about it.
- Application notification (i.e. beacon detection): Capture unique ID of any beacon brought near a running experience and use that ID to trigger specific actions, show specific data, etc. This is very cool stuff.
- Proximity detection: Like application notification but trigger occurs only if the beacon is moved a specified distance from the running experience. For example, show information for items lifted away from a shelf. Freak out your guests!
- URL broadcast: Running Intuiface experiences act like Eddystone-URL beacons, broadcasting URLs for user-selected items. These URLs can be picked up by any mobile device supporting Eddystone-URL - e.g. Android tablets. Broadcasting is available on Windows only. Sorry other platforms!
- New value converters for binding. However, still no way to turn lead into gold….
- Is Equal To: Compares two values and returns true or false. Found in the list of Math & Logic binding converters. It’s nice to get a black-and-white answer once in a while.
- URL Shortener: Converts any URL into a 16 character URL. Very useful for the URL broadcast feature mentioned above. They’re also cute.
- Default Web browser asset now stores cookies as files, enabling continuity between multiple Player sessions. We’ll never forget you!
- Major performance improvements in Player for Tablets on the iPad. We’re squeezing every drop out of that stingy platform.
- Fixed a memory leak related to JavaScript-based interface assets and binding converters. Intuiface Player will be much more stable when IAs and converters are used. Nobody likes leakage!
- Experiences in portrait mode have now correct thumbnails in Composer and on Management Console. (We’ve also put portraits in experience mode…. Ok, not really.)
- "Allow navigation" property of the Web Browser asset works again. We told it to get a job!
- Many smaller usability corrections. Can you live with the mystery?
- Four crash conditions have been eliminated. Gangster-style.
- RTSP support has been removed from the Video asset. Intuiface continues to support the MMS and HLS Internet-based video streaming protocols.
- Web Browser asset no longer causes a crash when JavaScript-enabled buttons are clicked.
- Version of VLC used by the Video asset is upgraded from Version 2.1.5 to 2.2.2.
- Addition of a Lithuanian keyboard.
- Zooming in/out of the Document asset no longer displays more than one page.
- Web Browser asset
- “Link is clicked” trigger is working again.
- The spacebar can now be input into Web-based forms.
- Experience publishing failure is solved in rare case: when renaming files by simply changing upper/lower case letters into their opposite.
- 10 additional minor issues are fixed.
- 4 crash conditions are corrected.
- Weather Interface Asset (Weather IA) can now display up to 15 days of weather forecast. To access more than 5 days, users must request their own API key from World Weather Online. To request an API key, read this information.
- Instagram Interface Asset (Instagram IA) will now return results for only the exact match of an account query if an exact match exists. If there is no exact match, the IA will return results for approximations of the account query.
- Grouping assets (Ctrl+g) no longer clears memory of steps for Undo (Ctrl+z).
- “Fill direction” property of the Asset Grid collection no longer resets when selecting this collection in Edit Mode.
- “Index in focus” property of the Flip Chart collection is now correctly represented in Edit Mode.
- Corrected crash condition that occurred when an Excel spreadsheet - referenced by an Excel Interface Asset - contained formulas in the first row. Composer will now display an error message.
- Corrected crash condition that occurred when running Composer's “Player for Tablets and Kiosks” Preview Mode on 32-bit Windows PCs.
- Additional 6 edge-case crash conditions were fixed.
- Brand new rendering engine for the Web Browser asset. Based on CefSharp, it offers complete HTML5, CSS3 and WebGL support. Also much faster and more reliable then the older Web Browser asset.
- NOTE: Preexisting experiences will continue to use the legacy browser. To use the new rendering engine in preexisting experiences, you must explicitly change the Web Browser asset container from the "Legacy" style to the "Default" style.
- Free experience storage option, aka Intuiface Cloud Storage. This will be the default option when publishing an experience. Zero configuration required. You can still use your own Amazon S3, Dropbox or FTP site as alternatives.
- Composer Free: 1GB free storage
- Composer Pro: 3GB free storage
- Composer Enterprise: 20GB free storage
- New YouTube asset to simplify the inclusion of YouTube-hosted videos in your Intuiface experiences
- NOTE: Supported on Windows, iPad, Android and webOS.
- Snap alignment for items in Composer's Edit Mode. This magnetism applies to both item center points and edges as well as to rulers and scene borders.
- Option to turn off data point creation for the automatic Scene Entered/Exited events. Information here
- Composer Free: Play Mode is now limited to 8 minutes. Information here
- Composer Free users are required to update to Version 5.3.
NOTE: For Windows PCs, to correct some performance issues and to improve performance elsewhere, we took advantage of new capabilities and fixes in Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.1. Make sure you are running this latest version of the framework. Go here to download the installer for .NET Framework Version 4.6.1. Install it before running Composer Version 5.2.7.
- In Composer’s Play Mode or when running an experience in Player for Windows, use of a touch screen no longer prevents use of a mouse. You can now go back and forth between fingers and the mouse to interact with Intuiface-based content. NOTE: .NET Framework Version 4.6.1 is required for this fix to be applied. You can get the latest version of the framework here.
- "DPI" property for the Document asset now offers preselected options instead of a slider to eliminate multiple, unnecessary document conversions.
- Additional minor usability enhancements.
- ESC key will again exit both Composer in Play Mode and a running experience in Player for Windows under all circumstances. NOTE: .NET Framework Version 4.6.1 is required for this fix to be applied. You can get the latest version of the framework here.
- Resizing of Group collections placed within other collections now works similarly to resizing of stand-alone Groups.
- More than 12 crash conditions corrected, including a few linked to Excel use.
- Sprinkling of minor usability enhancements.
- Fixed edge case inability to replay a video.
- Few additional minor bug fixes.
- 8 crash conditions corrected.
- Greater in-scene editing capability
- Change (and identify) visibility of assets and collections using the Scene Content panel
- Directly resize width of items inside collections and data templates by double-clicking the collection/data template and then dragging item handles.
- Resize Group collection "window" without resizing contained items by double-clicking the Group and then dragging its resize handles.
- Nested collections can be individually selected for in-scene editing.
- Lasso selection (i.e. left-click-hold+drag) now works inside the Group and Pinboard collections.
- Enhanced Excel support
- Edit Excel-based workbook data - accessed via the Excel interface asset - in real-time by opening spreadsheets from within Composer. Add/rename columns, add rows and change data without breaking the existing bindings used to display your data. See here for details.
- Create Excel interface assets on the fly by drag-and-dropping Excel workbooks (and, optionally, associated graphic files and folders) into Composer.
- Open the folder containing the workbook referenced by an Excel interface asset directly from within Composer.
- Improved experience downloading for deployments
- The same folder is now used for both manual experience downloads in Player and automated downloads remotely initiated by Management Console. This avoids data duplication and reduces internet bandwidth usage.
- If file pathnames are too long - due to OS limitations - an explicit warning message is displayed by both Player for manual downloads and Management Console for remote deployments.
- In Management Console, you can now specify, for each Player, whether it should automatically run an experience when started manually. For details, see here.
- Undo / redo is now much quicker when manipulating collections containing multiple items.
- More than 16 additional usability enhancements.
- Hidden and read-only files no longer prevent experience publishing from working.
- 14 crash conditions have been fixed
- “Parameter Name” field of the Data Tracking “Log Event” action no longer permits entry of most non-alphanumeric characters to ensure compatibility with all analytic, marketing and data warehouse platforms.
- 10X speed improvement when saving a project containing or referencing (via the Excel interface asset) a very large number of locally saved media files. By "very large" we mean as many as 3k or more.
- When upgrading Composer Free to Pro or Enterprise, locally created experiences - when resaved - will now be properly represented in the Experiences Panel.
- 7 crash conditions were corrected. Most notable is a crash related to particular uses of the Rich Text asset.
- Data Tracking interface asset
- Define, collect and send data from your interactive Intuiface experiences to any platform for analytics, marketing or data warehousing.
- Includes offline data point storage, support for 150+ analytics/marketing/data warehouse platforms, automatic event detection and much more
- See this page for a detailed overview, including a video-based demonstration.
- See the chapter in our Knowledge Base for all how-to information.
Easy Share
- A new frictionless method for sharing experiences with colleagues and clients. No need for your users to create an Intuiface account. No need for manual license entry. Just give them a URL.
- See this page in our Knowledge Base for all how-to information.
- Access to all font variants in the Text and Rich Text assets.
- Triggers for RFID/NFC readers now expose the captured tag ID, making it available as a parameter for binding.
- Composer Edit Mode performance and capability
- Manipulation (drag-and-drop, cut-and-paste) of a large number of assets and collections is much quicker.
- Scene change through use of the Scenes dropdown panel is much faster
- Selection and editing of assets inside collections (AssetGrid, AssetFlow, Carousel, CircularPanel, Map and Timeline) is now possible. Double-click the collection to access the content.
- Webcam asset is now available on Android
- Brand new Composer and Player splash screen. Can you find the easter egg?
- 10+ additional, small usability enhancements to make life even easier.
- Installation of Player and Composer on Windows 10 devices should no longer fail in some rare cases.
- Videos used for a scene's "Background" property will no longer be slightly narrower than the screen width.
- Asset Grid collection can now be properly resized in Play Mode when displaying two or more rows or columns.
- 5 minor bug corrections.
- 2 crash conditions fixed.
- The Kinect and Leap Motion interface assets have been discontinued and removed from Intuiface. The code for these interface assets have been open sourced and posted to GitHub.
- The Log Interaction action has been deprecated, replaced by the new data tracking capabilities of Intuiface.
Configurable Email interface asset
- Accepts an SMTP username not formatted as a valid email address.
- Permits specification of a From name and a Reply-to name.
- Corrects a Dropbox issue that blocked experience publishing.
- Custom interface assets without an icon no longer prevent experience publishing.
- Textures and lights of some 3D models were not rendered. Fixed.
- Minor Composer usability corrections.
- Two crash conditions eliminated.
- "Is being entered” and "Has been entered" triggers are now activated for the startup scene when using Player for Windows and for the current scene when launching Play Mode in Composer. This was already the case in Player for Tablets and Player for Kiosks.
- Web Browser asset now supports websites using self-signed certificates.
- On Windows, in both Composer and Player, multiple interface assets were broken with the release of Version 5.1.2, including RSS, Tweet List and System Info IAs. This problem has been corrected.
- When an experience with a video background in one or more scenes is saved, Composer recognizes it as saved.
- Eliminated Composer crash condition related to frequent jumps in and out of Play Mode.
- Use of binding to pass an invalid value (e.g. text string) into the Zoom property of the Web Browser asset no longer causes Composer to crash.
- Additional edge case crash condition is fixed.
- On-screen gesture triggers now work after a "Space reload" action.
- Excel interface asset prevented the use of certain words as column names, considering them reserved - e.g. "state". This no longer occurs.
- Sharing an experience with Write privileges now works if the target Intuiface account has no configured storage option.
- Initial scroll effect of the Asset Flow collection no longer forces view of the first item if some other item in the collection has been assigned focus.
- Occasional Composer freeze when saving an experience on a PC with powerful CPU and physical hard drive (vs. solid state drive) no longer occurs.
- Small number of edge case bug fixes.
- Five crash conditions were eliminated.
- Corrected six crash conditions, all related to the new, high performance collections algorithm implemented in Version 5.1.
- Performance improvements on Windows
- Scene-to-scene transition animation is more fluid. Includes elimination of the flash visible just before a new scene appears.
- Animation in general is more fluid.
- Rendering of off-screen content in collections - particularly the Asset Grid collection - happens more quickly and smoothly.
- Excel filtering is almost instantaneous
- Composer is zippier in Edit Mode.
- Elimination of evil memory leaks, preventing possible performance issues during long-term playback.
- Usability enhancements for the Composer workspace
- Quick Properties pop-up for all items in a scene enables easy access to properties, triggers and editing controls.
- Assets, Collections, Design Accelerators, and Content Library panels can now be independently sized.
- Interface Assets and Scene Structure panels can now be independently sized and positioned.
- Number of interface assets and scenes are temporarily displayed when a new XP is opened.
- Enhancement of item resizing options available in multiple panels.
- Simplified drag-and- drop of items in the Scene Content panel. It is no longer necessary to select an item before dragging it.
- Licensing updates
- New Player for Tablets pack combines Player for iPad and Player for off-the-shelf Android tablets. Use a Tablet license on either platform. Preexisting Player for iPad and Player for Android licenses inherit this benefit.
- New Player for Kiosks combines our Samsung SMART Signage Platform (SSP) support with that for custom Android devices. Use a Kiosk license on either platform.
- Player improvements
- Drawing tools are now available on iPad, Android and Samsung SSP.
- Multiple additional enhancements and bug fixes in Player for Kiosks and Player for Tablets.
- Share via Email - Configurable interface asset now permits specification of Reply To and Sender Name values.
- More than 500 new design accelerators inspired by our work 7 Interactive Experience Design Trends
- buttons
- email forms
- vintage-themed banner and object images
- Several smaller usability improvements.
- Media filenames starting with a dot character and temporary Excel and Word files (i.e. those prefixed with ~$) no longer stop the experience publishing process.
- Experiences stored on a network drive or stored in a shared folder accessed via a Mac-based virtual machine no longer prevent the loading of interface assets and binding convertors.
- Experience publishing no longer fails when the name of small media files (size < 100KB) contain non iso-latin characters.
- 3D model importer is no longer case sensitive.
- It is no longer possible to maximize more than one asset at a time. To maximize a second asset - via triggers and actions - the first asset must be unmaximized first.
- Weather, Twitter and Instagram interface assets are now consistently displayed in Composer's Edit Mode and Play Mode.
- More than 16 crash conditions have been corrected.
- Full screen background videos play at full screen again.
- Minor bug fixes.
- Multiple rare crash conditions have been eliminated.
- 3 annoying crash conditions we couldn't live with.
- Couple of minor usability fixes.
- Correction of rare but painful Error 6413 (“missing file”) when publishing an experience.
- Filter and sort settings in the Content Library are now saved between sessions
- Weather interface asset now accepts premium keys for World Wide Weather in addition to free keys.
- The Clock interface asset now supports the ISO 8601 time and date format.
- More than 12 minor usability enhancements.
- Important fixes for users sharing experiences with colleagues/clients when Windows is configured to use a comma (,) instead of a dot (.) to represent decimals.
- Filter and sort in the Content Library are working again.
- Drag and drop in Scene Structure panel now works properly
- More than 7 crash conditions were fixed.
- Search in the Content Library is now case insensitive
- IntuiPad (the Intuiface remote control) on iPad and Android supports Intuiface Version 5
- Layer properties can no longer be edited. These properties were accidentally exposed in Version 5.0. Editing them would cause an Intuiface experience to crash.
- Slide Show collection no longer disappears in Composer's Edit Mode under certain conditions.
- "Change video" action is no longer deleted when entering Composer's Play Mode.
- Trigger "Link is clicked" for the Web Browser asset works again.
- Default data template for the RSS interface asset is again available for placement in a scene.
- Time property of the Chronometer interface asset - a read-only property available for binding - is no longer undefined.
- Intuiface Configuration Tool again successfully prepares a Windows PC to receive remote actions.
- Bindings in nested data templates are no longer lost when upgrading from Version 4 to Version 5
- Several small usability and graphic design enhancements.
- 3 crash conditions have been eliminated
- Eliminates a few edge-case crash conditions
- Corrects some minor usability issues and bugs
NOTE: Intuiface Version 5.0 and Intuiface Version 4.x can be installed on the same machine. You can even run them side-by-side and copy content from a Version 4.x experience into a Version 5.0 experience. However, once opened in Version 5.0, experiences cannot be opened in Version 4.x without following this rollback procedure.
- Composer workspace improvements
- New, refreshed graphic style for Composer
- Undock and distribute panels across multi-screen setup
- Introduction of rulers, ruler guides and gridlines to aid alignment of design elements
- Resizable item icons in all panels
- One-click access to online help in all panels
- Improved design and organization of Properties categories
- Simplified binding process
- Addition of rectangle and ellipse to the Assets panel, no longer part of design accelerators
- Search by name in the Interface Assets panel
- Improved interface asset icons
- HTML5-based Player upgrade for iPad, Android and Samsung SSP
- New gaming-influenced architecture speeds graphic rendering and touch reaction times
- Overall speed improvements of more than 50%
- Increased stability virtually eliminates resource-related crashes, with particular improvement on iPad
Conditional triggers
- Add a set of constraints to limit triggers to specified scenarios
Excel interface asset improvements
- Filter action has now a 'clear all active filters' option
- Filter values can now be case insensitive
- Full path to the Excel worksheet is now available for binding via a read-only property
- Drag-and-drop of an Excel file onto the active scene or Content Library now creates an Excel IA rather than a pdf document
- Localized Keyboard
- 30+ localized keyboards are now supported, including Arabic, Chinese, Hebrew, Russian, Thai, etc.
- Keyboard can default to local language of the device on which Composer/Player is running or be specified in advance
- Onscreen location and orientation of the keyboard can be controlled both at design time and via actions
- Additional characters are available in the default keyboard layout
- HTML5 Player now available in Composer for Play Mode
- Test tablet/Samsung SSP-targeted experiences on Windows, accessible via the Project menu
- REMEMBER, performance of experiences in the HTML5 Player on Windows may not reflect true performance on targeted devices - it could be faster or slower - so on-device testing remains crucial.
System Info interface asset
- Returns information about the device running Composer or Player - including device name and geographic location - and information about the running experience.
- Combine multiple data feeds in a single collection
- Access the live data feed from multiple interface assets and combine them into a single visual
- For example, display the content from both a Twitter and RSS feed in the same datasheet.
- Publish and Share improvements
- Enhanced publish/download error management when sharing an experience
- Downloading of files greater than 1GB is now possible
- REST Web services can be used to delete analytics (useful when using 3rd party data mining tools with Intuiface)
- New default templates (i.e. visual representations) of multiple DAs
- Menus
- Simple Counter
- Clock, Chronometer, Countdown
- Linear Gauge
- Reimport of an Excel file now works in all cases
- Analytic records containing special characters (e.g. accented characters) are now properly rendered for XML/REST requests
- 30+ crash corrections and assorted bug fixes
NB: Releases notes of version 4.0 - 4.8 are available at Releases notes of 4.0 - 4.7 releases
Player for Tablet and Player for Kiosk 5.x
- Performance enhancements: scrolling in collections is now more fluid
- Minor bugs fixes [HTML sandbox now works on chromeOS]
- Navigating from and back to a scene containing a playing video file no longer breaks playback
- Unpinned 3D assets can now be properly re-sized
- Other minor bug fixes
- Minor bug fixes
- Replaced "Error Code 0" with a more actionable message. The cause of Error Code 0 is typically the inability of a tablet to access the Internet. Thought of changing the error name to "Can you hear me now?" but reconsidered.
- Fill property is now respected when the Show action is used. We teach every aspect of our software to show respect.
- Drawing mode no longer permits underlying assets and collections to see and react to touchpoints.
- Vertical alignment of Text Input asset is now properly handled. That's right, it vertically aligns.
- Asset Grid collection with two columns used in conjunction with a Data Feed now properly handles the Last index reached trigger.
- Correction of 4 bugs affecting the Excel interface asset.
- 6 additional minor bugs fixed.
- Scroll Collection: Place assets and collections on a large canvas visible through a window. Move the canvas in any direction with swipe or mouse gestures, revealing different parts of the canvas within the window. It's the microwave of Intuiface: you didn't know how much you needed it until you tried it.
- Toggle Button sets: Enhancement of the Toggle Button control, automatically permitting one and only one Toggle Button within a set of buttons to be checked. Yes, show-off, it's like a radio button.
- Google Analytics Connector: Automatically load data points collected by the Analytics feature of Intuiface into any one or more of your Google Analytics properties.
- minor bugs fixed
- Dropbox will not be available as a cloud storage option for new Intuiface accounts or new storage needs. Those already using Dropbox for experience storage should prepare for discontinued support in June-2017. Intuiface will continue to support Intuiface Cloud Storage, FTP/FTPS and Amazon AWS/S3.
- Player for Tablets on the iPad has ended support for iOS 8 or earlier. iPad users must be running no less than iOS 9.
- Player for Kiosks has ended support for Samsung SMART Signage Platform 3 (aka SSSP3)
- Excel files updated in an experience are now correctly stored
- Minor bug fixes
- Corrects incorrect placement of a background video in the foreground on iOS10 (iPad only)
- "call URL" action works now. It even allows to launch android or iOS application.
- Addresses other minor bugs
- Animated GIF support: Show your favorite animated GIFs in Intuiface
- "Fill behavior" property: Permits greater control over how images, videos, webcams and image buttons are displayed within their container. Options include fit, fill and deform.
- Enhancements to Excel support
- Date format in Excel is supported
- Updating a cell or a row now automatically refreshes the display in a running experience
- iPad: Improved manipulation performance for Asset Grid collections linked to a data source via interface assets
- Player enables license key entry as alternative to login with username/password
- Dramatic performance enhancement in some edge cases when reloading a scene
- Web Browser asset is now supported on Chrome
- Excel file is no longer corrupted when some styles are applied to cells
- Excel formulas are now recomputed when a scene is reloaded
- Drawing tools:
- Close button now adopts the drawing tool style
- Drawing tools are now available on images opened from a collection
- "Erase all” button now works
- File size recorded by the "Share via email" interface asset is now correct
- Web Browser asset
- “URL changed” trigger no longer fires when a scene is reloaded
- "Change home page” and “Reload page” actions work properly
- 4 additional minor bugs corrected
- No support for transparent Player or transparent videos (these options are only available on Windows)
- Improved response time of the Experience Panel in Player.
- ChromeOS
- Send email using the Share via Email interface asset. No spamming!
- Improved reliability of row and filtering actions for the Excel interface asset
- ChromeOS – The correct Number Generator interface asset is called when more than one is available in an experience
- SUM Excel formula now works
- Samsung SSP
- Keyboard used for Player login is more responsive. We figured logging in was sort of important.
- Other minor bug fixes
- JavaScript-based Interface Assets work again on Chrome OS
- Images accessed via the Excel Interface Asset are no longer blurry
- Text assets inside scrollable collections are correctly rendered
- Image buttons are correctly rendered
- The Hide and Show actions as they can apply the opposite effect to all other items in the same layer or same Group/Pinboard collection
- Use the new Move to front and Send to back actions to change the visual stacking of items on screen. Call it 'z order' to impress your friends.
- (For Android and Chrome OS) Webcam asset permits camera selection if more than one is available.
- Disable the next and previous swipe gestures of theFlip Chart collection.
- Improved text rendering in Text assets and Buttons when using line wrap, justify, & margins (in Buttons) and when text contains multiple consecutive space characters.
- Binding for output of the Linear Converter interface asset works again. Congrats to those who noticed!
- 15+ additional minor bug fixes.
- Multiple video runs (of 30 or more) will no longer cause Player to freeze the video on iPad or crash the Player on android
- Works again on the iPad Pro
- Several text rendering improvements for Text asset, Input Text control and Buttons
- For maximized Document assets, controls can be hidden and text is no longer blurred
- Assets in a Map collection are now correctly displayed when sourced from a filtered Excel spreadsheet
- Hidden YouTube asset will no longer autoplay
- 3D models remain interactive even after navigation away from and back to their scene
- Put that keyboard to use! Trigger all Intuiface actions using any key or key combination. Particularly useful for environments where not all users will be able to reach your mounted touch display.
- Swipe gestures are now supported for individual static assets. For example, turn the humble rectangle into a touchpad for navigation.
- (Android and iPad) Your Intuiface experience can now receive both iBeacon™ and EddyStone™ advertisements from any third party beacon. Use the information contained in that advertisement to trigger in-context actions like displaying product information, referring to the visitor by name or stealing credit card information. (Ok, just kidding about credit card theft.)
- Dramatic performance improvement and crash reduction. On second thought, we'll call these fixes comedic, not dramatic, as they're so good they'll make you smile.
- 10+ bugs were corrected.
- Corrected an issue that prevented rendering of Text assets bound to cells in Excel spreadsheets.
- Pinch-to-zoom for the 3D Asset works again.
- Carousel collection no longer has a border radius.
- Position of text within the Button control now respects the "Alignment" property.
- Web Browser asset is no longer visible if its "Visibility" property is set to false.
- Web Browser asset is no longer displayed during the “Creating Visuals” loading screen.
- Image Toggle button now displays assigned images using bindings.
- Scene "Reload" action is now correctly managed after a previous reload of the scene.
- Certain experiences are no longer stuck at “Creating Visuals” phase.
- Player on LG webOS will no longer display blurred images.
- New: Works with free-to-use Intuiface Cloud Storage option for published experiences.
- New: YouTube asset.
- New: Ability to stop/start data point creation for automatic events.
- Remote actions are working again.
- Experiences are now displayed full screen on iPad Pro.
- Few minor bug fixes.
5.2.5 (all Tablet and Kiosk players except for iOS)
- Using Management Console, a manual start of Player can now be remotely configured to autolaunch an experience rather than display the Experiences panel.
- Interaction with multiple fingers works again in all cases on iOS
- Numerous bug fixes.
5.2.2 (all Tablet and Kiosk players except for iOS)
- Android device names (appearing in Management Console, License Dashboard, data points collected via data tracking) are now derived from the name specified in the Bluetooth settings for each device. Bluetooth does not need to be turned on for the name to be accessible.
- Non-alphanumeric characters can now be used in Excel workbook, worksheet and column names
- Download from FTP storage works again
- PDFs are now displayed in the sharing queue.
- "Go to index" action for the Flip Chart collection is now correctly animated.
- 3D Model asset again supports single finger manipulation and displays proper center of view.
- Corrected bug affecting Excel formulas including concatenation.
5.2.1 (all Tablet and Kiosk players except for iOS)
- Data points collected by Player are compressed to reduce data consumption when transferred for analysis
- Data points cached due to an absent Internet connection will be transferred whenever connection is reestablished, regardless of how many data points are saved locally.
- The action “Set text” was fixed for the Button, Simple Text and Rich Text assets.
5.2.0 (iOS only)
- Support for all Data Tracking enhancements introduced in Intuiface v.5.2.
- Supports new experience sharing feature, share with public URL.
- Webcam asset now available for Android and Chrome OS devices.
- Increased font support, including multiple font family variants if they exist (e.g. narrow, semi-bold, extra-bold, etc.).
- New splash screen.
- On Android and Chrome OS, images opened from an Asset Grid collection are now rendered in high quality.
- Drawing tools now use the style defined in Composer.
- Carousel is now correctly rendered when the Flat view property is enabled.
- Images popped out of a Carousel collection are again interactive.
This is the first version available for kiosk.
Fixes for Tablet
- It is again possible to automate experience deployment using Management Console.
- It is again possible to use remote actions to control experiences running in Player for Windows.
- Text Asset Line wrap property is now correctly interpreted.
- Drawing tools are now available. Limitation: Snapshot function is not yet implemented.
- Android: It is now possible to manually copy an Intuiface experience from a PC to an Android device via a USB cable or flash drive. See this article for details.
- iPad: If using the iOS "guided access” feature with Player, should Player crash it will automatically restart itself and play the last run experience.
- Increased experience download performance, especially when located outside the EU or using Dropbox or AWS S3 to store published experiences.
- In case of network hiccups, Player will automatically retry experience download multiple times before generating an error.
- Maximize action works now as in Player for Windows
- Several other minor bugs fixed
Licensing Updates
- New Player for Tablets pack combines Player for iPad and Player for off-the-shelf Android tablets. Use a Tablet license on either platform. Preexisting Player for iPad and Player for Android licenses inherit this benefit.
- New Player for Kiosks combines our Samsung SMART Signage Platform (SSP) support with that for custom Android devices. Use a Kiosk license on either platform.
- Improved experience download speed: Up to 40% faster for small and mid-sized content. Very large media – e.g. 1GB videos – will still unavoidably take a while.
- On android: Automated crash recovery. Should Player for Android crash, it will automatically restart and run the last loaded experience.
- Minor bug fixes and corrected crash conditions
- Fix various minor bugs
- Fixed issue on drag and drop inertia
- Other minor bug fixes
- Brand new gaming-influenced architecture resulting in significantly enhanced performance and reliability. Our tests show orders of magnitude improvement!
- Lots of bug fixes.
Versions before 5.0.0
Releases notes of version before 5.0.0 are available at Releases Notes Archive: Intuiface Version 4.x
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