NOTE: The RSS Feed interface asset was removed with the release of Intuiface Version 6.0. To present an RSS feed in your Intuiface Version 6 experience, use API Explorer instead.
This article only applies to Intuiface Version 5.x.
The RSS Feed Interface Asset (IA) is an off-the-shelf component of Intuiface acting as an RSS feed reader. It is created by inserting an RSS Feed IA into an experience and passing in the targeted feed's URI. This action initiates the subscription process.
NOTE: The RSS Feed IA supports the Atom 1.0 and RSS 2.0 formats.
Any Intuiface user can modify the visual representation of the RSS Feed IA. This visual representation - specified by a data template - can access and manipulate the following properties: Title, Description, Link.
Properties, Triggers & Actions
- URL: the RSS feed URL.
The properties below are read-only properties, thus only visible through a binding
- Title: a string containing the title of a feed entry
- Articles List: the list of all articles in this RSS feed
- Title: the article title
- Summary, a string containing a short description of an entry
- Link, a string containing the URL of an entry
- Set URL, to specify the feed's URI
- Update, to refresh the feed with the latest posted information). Must be invoked to retrieve new content.
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