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Intuiface Composer
<p> </p> <div class="infoBanner"> <div class="infoBannerTxt"> Did you know: <a href="https://academy.intuiface.com/" target="_self">Intuiface Academy</a> has a complete video-based course about <a href="https://academy.intuiface.com/courses/take/intuiface-composer-101/texts/16130375-all-about-intuiface-composer">The Composer</a>. </div> </div>
- Common Asset Properties
- Supported File and Media Formats
- Image Asset
- Text Asset
- Video Asset
- Document Asset
- Collections
- Common Collection Properties
- Autoscroll behavior for Ordered Collections
- Asset Grid
- Asset Flow
- Carousel
Triggers and actions
- General principles for triggers and actions
- Linking triggers and actions in Composer
- Triggers overview
- Actions overview
- Animation
- Timers
Binding and Value Converters
- Binding - General Concepts
- Binding - Property to Property
- Binding - Trigger Parameter to Property
- Binding - Action Parameter to Property
- Value Converters
- Math & Logic Converters
Interface Assets
- Interface Asset - General Concepts
- Off-the-Shelf Interface Assets
- Create Your Own Interface Asset
- X-Ray Panel
- Data Template for Collections Populated by Interface Assets
- Credential Key Creation and Management