The Math & Logic value converters enable you to perform basic mathematical and logical operations on numbers or boolean values. Each available converter is defined below.
The Not converter will invert a boolean value:
- a True value becomes False
- a False value becomes True
You can use this converter with properties like the Visibility of any asset or Is Checked of a Toggle Button.
In the sample below:
- Image 1 / Visibility is bound to Toggle Button / Is Checked
- Image 2 / Visibility is bound to Toggle Button / Is Checked with a Not Converter
The Add converter will add a number to the binding source value .
In the sample below:
- The X property of Image 2 is bound to the X property of Image 1.
- An Add converter with a value of 150 creates a vertical offset between the two images.
The Subtract converter will subtract a number from the binding input value.
In the sample below:
- The Y property of Image 2 is bound to the Y property of Image 1.
- A Subtract converter with a value of 150 creates a vertical offset between the two images.
The Multiply converter will multiply the binding input value by a specified number.
The Divide converter will divide the binding input value by a specified number.
We use this Divide converter in the Visual Effects design accelerator bundle to create a parallax effect. See below for more details.
The Absolute converter will return the absolute value of the binding input value.
Is Equal To
The Is Equal To converter compares the binding input value with a specified number. If they match, the value of this converter is "True", otherwise it is "False".
Usage Sample
- Use the Divide Converter to easily create a parallax effect. Bind an image's X property to another image's X property, using the Converter to divide the original value by 2. The second image will move twice as slow as the first one. You can download the Visual Effects Design Accelerator to see how it works live in Composer.
On all platforms but Windows, 2 chained converters will have the same value. For example, a secondary chained bound converted will have a value identical to the first one.
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