Intuiface supports a wide variety of content formats you can use in your experiences
- Image files: Varies by platform but can include .png (recommended for Windows), .jpg, .jpeg, .gif (including animated .gif), .bmp
- Video files: Varies by platform but can include .mp4, .mov (recommended for iPad), .webm (recommended for Android), .flv, .mkv, .avi plus streaming protocols like HLS, MMS, RTSP
- Documents: .pdf, .ppt, .doc and .xps
- Web pages: Virtually any website using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript and WebGL.
- YouTube videos
- 3D models: Multiple formats; see article
- Deep Zoom images: .dzi - Windows only
- Audio files: .wma, .mp3, .wav, .cda, .aif, .aifc, .aiff, and .mid
- Geographic maps: Mapbox, Bing Maps
- Adobe: .psd (generated from Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator)
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