The YouTube Asset can play any video uploaded to YouTube.
Properties Triggers & Actions
See our list of common properties for details about properties shared by all asset types
Basic Properties
- YouTube URL the video ID. Any of the following formats can be used:
- watch?v=l6cO5z8bg8E
- l6cO5z8bg8E
This set of properties controls various aspects of how the video will play in your experience.
- Autoplay: plays the video automatically as soon as it is displayed.
- Autoplay on rewind: restarts the video automatically when it is rewound.
- Play loop: plays the video in a loop. _NOTE: To loop properly, the video must be longer than one (1) second.
- Pause when hidden: pauses the video when it is hidden.
- Volume: specifies the volume of the video soundtrack.
- Speed: specifies the video play speed.
See Triggers Overview to get details of common triggers and actions shared by all assets
Video specific triggers:
- Ends: Raised when end of the video has been reached.
- Is paused: Raised when the video has been paused.
- Is rewound: Raised when the video has been rewound.
- Loops: Raised when the video has looped.
- Reaches time: Raised when the specified timestamp has been reached.
- Starts to play: Raised when the video begins to play.
- Time changes: Raised when the time has changed.
- Timeline is moved: Raised when the timeline has been moved by the user.
- Volume is changed: Raised when the volume has been changed.
The screenshot below illustrates the set of triggers and actions specific to the Video Asset (click to zoom)
See Actions Overview to get details of actions shared by all assets
YouTube specific Actions:
- Change video: Change the video of the YouTube player (YouTube URL)
- Pause: Pause the video.
- Play: Play the video.
- Rewind: Rewind the video to the beginning.
- Set timeline: Set a playback position on the timeline.
- Set volume: Set volume of the video.
- Stop: Stop the video.
- Toggle play/pause: Play the video if paused; pause the video if playing.
- Turn Loop mode off: Turn Loop mode off.
- Turn Loop mode on: Turn Loop mode on.
The screenshot below illustrates the set of actions specific to the Video Asset (click to zoom)
Known Limitations
- Not (yet) supported on ChromeOS or Samsung SSP devices.
- Videos can only be played from the beginning.
- Only individual videos are supported, not playlists.
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