Intuiface provides an integrated web browser for navigating the internet.
- In Player, the Web Browser Asset cannot display websites that reject cross-origin resource sharing (CORS), the embedding of one website domain in another website domain. Exclusively for Android, BrightSign, and iOS, there is an alternative to the Web Browser Asset that enables the display of websites that reject CORS. On Windows, Player Classic supports websites that reject CORS.
- URLs must use https, not http.
- Web browser versions
- Player on Windows: equivalent to Chromium v.118
- Player on all other supported platforms: Player uses the native browser installed on the device
- Player Classic: equivalent to Chromium v.122
To see the extent of our HTML5 support, add a Web Browser Asset into an Intuiface project and set its URL to
Preparing the Web Browser Asset for use
Proxy Settings
To customize the proxy settings on Windows, open the Windows Internet Options control panel and select the Connections tab. Use the LAN Settings section to update your proxy settings.
Clearing the browser cache
If you need to empty the cache used by the Web Browser Asset, delete all files in the following folders:
Intuiface Version 5.x used an older web rendering engine for the Web Browser Asset. In this case, the location of the cache file is: %TEMP%\Awesomium\Cache
Properties Triggers & Actions
See our list of common properties for details about properties shared by all asset types.
The Container property must be set to Static or Pinned to enable users to scroll or zoom pages in the web browser. If the Container is set to Pinned, the user must first manually pin the browser to scroll or zoom it. See this review of Container states for details.
Content & Container
Home page: defines the default starting page when the Web browser is first displayed. For a webpage located on your local file system, enter the path using the following syntax:
file:///[drive letter]:/[folder name/[folder name]/.../[file name]
For example:file:///C:/ProjectFiles/Project_Five/test/index.html
NOTE: You need to treat this file path like a URL. As a result, spaces must be replaced by %20. For example:
NOTE: You need to treat this file path like a URL. As a result, spaces must be replaced by %20. For example:
Web Browser
- Webpage width: Some webpages require a specific width—expressed in pixels—to render correctly. In such a case, specify this width in pixels. NOTE: This width applies to the webpage displayed inside the Web Browser Asset, not the container itself.
- Zoom: change the zoom level for content within the browser
Navigation bar style – Navigation buttons style – Address bar style
These properties enable you to define the appearance of the navigation bar, buttons, and address bar. The "Show navigation bar" property (see below) must be checked for these style properties to appear.
- Flat: bar / buttons are displayed with no volume effect
- Radius: allows you to define the shape of the bar / buttons from a rectangle (0) to an ellipse (50)
- Fill color: defines the fill color of the bar / buttons
- Outline color: defines an outline color for the bar / buttons
- Font color: defines the font color for the text of the address bar (this property is only available for the address bar)
- Show navigation bar: displays address bar and next/previous buttons under the browser.
- Scrollbars: specify whether to permit the appearance of vertical and horizontal scrollbars if required by the website. By default, Intuiface hides scrollbars, but some websites require scrollbars to function correctly.
Forbid websites with bad security certificates: if set to true, websites with a bad security certificate will not be rendered, except those listed in the property below.
- Website Exceptions: Only visible if the property below is checked. The Web Browser asset will attempt to render websites in this list, separated by a semicolon, even if they have a bad security certificate.
- Access local file system: If set to true, locally stored files - like HTML files - can be opened.
Web Browser
- Allow scroll: Enables users to scroll pages in the Web browser
- Allow zoom: Enables users to zoom pages in the Web browser
- Allow navigation: If set to true, links to new web pages will be active. If set to false, no navigation from the current webpage will be possible
- New tab links: Intuiface doesn't support tabbed browsing, but if you set this property to "Open in this browser", URLs with the _blank parameter will open in this Web Browser instance. Selecting the "Ignore" option means URLs with the _blank property won't open.
- Navigation Whitelist: A list of semi-colon-separated strings, each string containing a URL or part of a URL. (e.g.; Only webpages whose URL contains at least one string in the Navigation Whitelist can be visited. Attempts to navigate to any other URL will be forbidden. If this field is empty, no URLs will be filtered.
Forms & URL entry
- Allow form entry: If set to true, the user can complete an online form. If set to false, typing into an online form is blocked.
- Allow entry of new URLs: If set to true, the user can type a new URL to navigate to another Web page at runtime. If set to false, the entry of new URLs is blocked.
- Permit cursor autofocus: If set to true, websites containing a text input field will be able to give focus to that input if the webpage uses a focus() call in its code.
- Display keyboard inside browser: If set to true, the keyboard is displayed within the Web browser page itself. If set to false, the keyboard is displayed outside the Web browser page.
Keyboard: Choose between three onscreen keyboard layout options.
Standard + Numpad
- Intuiface supports over 30 alphanumeric layouts. The default layout reflects the language of the local device. For example, if the operating system is set to display French, then a French keyboard layout is presented. To change the layout, open the menu item Project -> Project Settings at the top of Composer. Now, change the Keyboard language property to the language of choice. This is a global setting.
- Current URL: The URL currently loaded in the Web Browser Asset. This property is read-only and can only be accessed through binding.
See Triggers Overview to get details of common triggers shared by all assets.
Web Browser specific triggers
- Is browsed back: Raised when the Web browser is navigated backward.
- Is browsed forward: Raised when the Web browser is navigated forward.
- Is reloaded: Raised when a user refreshes the Web Browser.
Link is clicked: Raised when a link has been clicked. This trigger is raised with the following parameter:
- URL: the URL associated with the clicked link.
- Loading is stopped: Raised when a user stops a webpage from loading.
Security certificate problem is detected: Raised when an issue is detected with a website's security certificate. This trigger is raised with the following parameter:
- Reason for failure: The error message is linked to the certificate problem.
URL changed: Raised when the URL has been changed. This trigger is raised with the following parameter:
- URL: the new URL that has been loaded.
- Webpage is loaded: Raised when the webpage has been loaded.
- Website fails to load: Raised when a website fails to load.
- Keyboard is hidden: Raised when the keyboard is hidden.
- Keyboard is shown: Raised when the keyboard becomes visible.
- Detects disallowed navigation: Raised when the "Allow Navigation" property is set to false and the user clicks a link.
- Detects submission of blacklisted URL: Raised when the user attempts to navigate to a website not found in the whitelist.
The screenshot below illustrates the set of triggers specific to the Web Browser Asset.
See Actions Overview to get details of common actions shared by all assets
Web Browser specific actions
- Backward: Go back to a previously loaded page
- Clear cookies: Clears the cookies of the web browser.
- Forward: Go forward in the web browser.
- Open URL: Open a new URL in the web browser. The URL must use https and not http.
- Reload: Reload the current page in the web browser.
- Stop loading: Stop the page load in the Web browser.
- Change home page: Replaces the Web browser's defined homepage
- Hide keyboard: Close the Web browser-associated keyboard.
- Show keyboard: Open the Web browser associated keyboard.
The screenshot below illustrates the set of actions specific to the Web Browser Asset.
Tips and Tricks
Not everything possible in a native Web Browser is possible within Intuiface - see Known Limitations below - but sometimes, there are special methods for making things work.
Some objectives are discussed below. The items in the following list are discussed on this page:
- Open a Google Maps location in full-screen
- Avoid the username/password pop-up dialog box
- Display only relevant portions of the browser using a cropping technique
Manipulate Maps, 3D objects, and 360-degree images or videos
Many Web components enable you to display and interact with 360° panorama (e.g. from krpano) and 3D content. The Web Browser Asset is a solution to embed these kinds of components that are not (yet) available natively in the Intuiface platform.
3D Model rendering:
The rendering of a 3D model is entirely dependent on the GPU (Graphics card). Having a more powerful graphics card will enable you to manipulate bigger 3D models smoothly. We recommend using a GPU similar to RTX 4070Ti or higher for models with more than 30K facets. Otherwise, reducing the number of facets of your 3D model below 15k will improve performance.
Play Local HTML files on Windows PCs
Although you will typically display cloud-hosted HTML content in the Web Browser Asset, it is also possible—exclusively on Windows PCs—to display local HTML content. For example, you would need to do this if you knew your device would be offline or if the HTML content was only available locally.
The easiest approach to working with local HTML content is to store relative paths to that content in an Excel spreadsheet. This approach is particularly useful if more than one file contains local content.
Through binding, you can associate the Home page property of the Web Browser Asset with the appropriate cell in your Excel file. You can specify which page to display using a filter applied to the Excel spreadsheet.
- To access locally stored files, you must enable the Access local file system property found in the "Security" section of the "Behavior" properties category.
- For security reasons, only specific file extensions in the Interface Asset folder are authorized for experience publishing. See this article for a list of permitted file types.
To see the use of local HTML files in action, download this sample experience.
Opening the Chrome Developer Tools console
As noted above, the heart of the Web Browser Asset is the Chromium Web rendering engine. Like Chrome, Chromium has built-in tools to aid developers in building Web content.
To access the Chrome Developer Tools console, either
- [when using Composer's Play Mode] While holding down the Control and Shift buttons on your keyboard, use your mouse to right-click the Web Browser Asset instance you're interested in.
[when using Composer's Simulate Player on other platforms Play Mode] Shortcut: Ctrl + Shift+ i
OR - [when using Player for Windows or Composer's Play Mode] Open a stand-alone instance of Chrome and browse to the URL http://localhost:8088. Then click the link of the page whose loaded contents you wish to view in the console.
Intuiface Version 5: Choosing between Default and Legacy browser options
In Intuiface Version 5, on Windows PCs only, the Web Browser Asset lets you choose between one of two Web rendering engines. On all other supported Player platforms, there is only one browser option, so the selection of a rendering engine is ignored.
- Default It's based on the CefSharp Web rendering engine. This is the style selected by default when adding the Web Browser Asset into your experience. First introduced in Intuiface Version 5.3, this engine is based on a recent version of Chromium, the heart of the Google Chrome browser.
- Legacy It is based on the Awesomium Web rendering engine derived from a fairly old version of Chromium.
The only reason to choose Legacy is for backward compatibility with Intuiface experiences built before Intuiface Version 5.3.
To switch between the Default and Legacy options, open either the Quick Properties or All Properties panel, click the icon in the upper left corner of the panel, and select the appropriate option.
Most common issues and how to solve them
The content of your website and the nature of your network impact how you configure Intuiface and/or your device. The following sections highlight these considerations.
Rendering performance settings for Windows devices
Both Composer and Player for Windows enable you to configure performance settings for the Web Browser asset. Read Composer and Player settings for details.
For example, on lower-end devices:
- you should limit the demanded frame rate to 30 FPS vs. 60 FPS. Demanding lower FPS should enhance the rendering performances on lower-end devices.
- rendering through the CPU may be faster than through the GPU.
The most common Rendering Problems are easily solved by updating your GPU to the latest video drivers.
Touch Related problems
No touch response:
- The touch hardware interface could cause this. The following article will help you check the correct functionality of your touch input hardware: How can I determine if my touch display is working correctly on Windows?
Double touch input or inability to scroll:
- Possibly caused by the touch interface settings. If you are using TUIO, ensure your device is not receiving events from both TUIO and HID (Windows native).
Receiving both TUIO and HID simultaneously may cause scroll problems or other touch input behavior, such as double touch events when only using a single tap.
Known limitations
On all platforms
The Intuiface Web Browser asset does not support pop-up windows.
In Player on all supported platforms
- See our Player Limitations article.
In Player Classic on Windows PCs
When multiple instances of Player Classic or Composer are launched simultaneously on the same PC, only the first launched instance will have a persistent cache. All instances launched afterward will use a unique session cache directory located under
- Using multiple Web Browser Assets in the same scene may cause instability due to high system memory usage. Therefore, it should be avoided when designing experiences.
- The Web Browser asset will always display the English language by default if the language is not specified in the website's URL, regardless of the device's language.
- Authentication on Google-hosted sites and authentication on any other website using Google credentials are not supported.
- The Web Browser Asset will not be rendered correctly when using Remote Desktop Sessions.
- If your Composer or Player Classic is running on Windows 7, make sure you installed all the latest Windows 7 updates to avoid some web engine errors.
- If the Web Browser asset is somewhere on a multi-screen display other than Screen 1, dropdown lists will not respond to touch events. A mouse would have to be used.
- The "Open URL" action requires the entered URL to be preceded by http:// or https://
- No support for proxies or htaccess authentication
- To permit the use of a responsively designed website, the first
tag of the webpage should not contain any attributes. For example, if your webpage contains tags such as :<html lang=en>
, the CSS media queries will be ignored, and responsive capabilities will not work. This snippet of HTML illustrates the correct approach:<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>My title</title> …
- To adjust the size of a responsive webpage, use the "Webpage width" property of the Web Browser Asset, not the asset's resize handle in Composer's canvas. Only by changing the resolution via the "Webpage width" property will you trigger a responsive adjustment of the webpage layout.
- Some interactive web components, such as Matterport, may not work correctly when using a mouse, but using a touch screen will work properly.
- If playing video or audio content, sounds will continue to be heard after closing or hiding the Web Browser asset.
- Zoom level property is shared between multiple Web Browsers in the same scene (even if the zoom values are different).
- The Virtual Keyboard may be displayed briefly when loading web pages containing text input or input forms.
- The Virtual Keyboard might not be automatically displayed on pages with Auto-Focused Text Input. In this case, tapping outside and then back to the text input should correctly display the Virtual Keyboard.
- Has been inactive trigger will fire while typing in the web browser's address bar.
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