Intuiface Composer Version 7.0+ and Intuiface Player on Windows Version 7.0+ use the following software:
- NET , FFmpeg, LibVLC, and nVLC, DirectShowNet under the LGPL V2.1 license,
- Video codec patent licenses granted by MPEG LA to The Company,
- Boost, VirtualizingWrapPanel under Boost Software License,
- TinyXML under the zlib license,
- OSC under a BSD-style open-source license,
- ManyMouse, Copyright (c) 2005-2008 Ryan Gordon and others,
- Book from Mitsu Furuta, Deep Zoom For WPF, Blake.NUI for WPF, Ionic.Zip, WPFExtensions.dll, WPF Toolkit Extended, PropertyTools for WPF, Microsoft Enterprise Library, DotWay.WPF.Controls, Taygeta.Core, Taygeta.Controls, under Microsoft Public License (Ms-PL),
- Toolkit.Common, under Farseers Toolkit Common License,
- Net under a specific open source license,
- PDFNet SDK copyright © PDFTron™ Systems Inc., 2001-2012.
- js-xslx, pdfjs, webfonts, webfontloader, Google APIs Client Library for .NET, Log4Net, win-beacon, websocket, XamlAnimatedGif, Quartz.NET, cs-handjs, x2js under the Apache License, Version 0,
- net, Node.js, node-cron, cron-parser-js, psd.js, QRCode.Net, iscroll, jquery, jquery-ui, modernizr, wow-book, lodash, es-6-collections, keyboard, moment, moment-timezone, numeral-js, systemjs, es6-module-load, electron, Assimp.Net, JSON.NET, Closed XML, Easy WebCam, threejs, websocket-sharp, SharpDX, is-electron-renderer, lodash, yargs, fs-extra, SocketIoClientDotNet, blueimp-canvas-to-blob, i18next, jquery-ui-touch-punch,, opentype, crypto-js, dotdotdot, jquery-textfill, email-addresses, jquery-xml2json under the MIT license,
- q, gl-matrix, box2d, under custom but MIT style license,
- Virtual Keyboard Layout files, nouislider under a WTFPL license,
- openlayers3, JavaScript.NET, Assimp, AssimpToJson, ZeroConfService, CEF, PDFium, Raven-sharp, forge, raven-js under New BSD license,
- Cefsharp, under CefSharp License,
- ScheduleTimer under a Code Project Open License,
- SQLite under public domain (
- Eventemitter under “The Unlicense” license,
- jquery-mobile under the Creative Common License
More details about each license can be found in the Help/Credits menu of Intuiface Composer.
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