With batch Player activation, any number of devices running Player can be automatically licensed by uploading a csv file containing device and Player information.
- Batch Player activation is supported for Windows PCs and BrightSign devices. It is not possible with any other Player-supported operating system
- You cannot list more devices than the number of available, unassigned licenses. If the imported list requires more licenses than are available, the entire upload will be rejected.
Format of the csv file
The first row must list the parameter names in the order below. Note how values can be separated using semi-colons or commas. Whichever separator you choose, be sure to use them in all other rows.
Hardware ID;Device Nickname;Player Tags;Data Point Processing;Notes
Hardware ID,Device Nickname,Player Tags,Data Point Processing,Notes
Each subsequent row of the text file describes a single Player device. If a particular parameter will have no value, place the next separator (semicolon or comma) immediately after the prior separator.
Hardware ID
Mandatory. See the next section for information about how to identify the hardware ID.
If using MAC addresses, multiple formats are accepted:- 00-11-22-33-44-55
- 00:11:22:33:44:55
- 0011.2233.4455
- 001122334455
Device Nickname
Optional. Case insensitive value that will appear in the My Players view of the Share and Deploy console. It replaces the name assigned to the device itself. -
Player Tags
Optional. Separate using commas if more than one value. Place double quotes around a list of more than one tag. See the article about Player Tags for more details. -
Data Point Processing
Optional. Specify whether a particular Player should collect data for Intuiface Analytics.
Values can be true/false, or yes/no, or 1/0. -
Optional. These notes will appear in the My Players view of the Share and Deploy console.
Determining the Hardware ID
- Windows PC
- Use the device's MAC address. It can be the MAC address for any network (WIFI or Ethernet) adapter.
- For instructions, use your favorite Google-listed page: https://www.google.com/search?q=determine+mac+address+windows+pc
- BrightSign
- Use the serial number listed on the box in which the device was packaged. The serial number may also be visible on the back of the BrightSign device.
- Raspberry Pi
- Use the device's MAC address. It can be the MAC address for any network (WIFI or Ethernet) adapter.
Downloadable csv file template
A template, formatted for use in Excel, is available for download. When saving the completed file in Excel, be sure to specify that it should be saved as a csv file.
NOTE: In the template, the word "(optional)" is appended to all but the first parameter name. As long as each parameter field starts with the correct string, additional characters can be added. For example, both of the following are valid:
- Hardware ID;Device Nickname;Player Tags;Data Point Processing;Notes
- Hardware ID;Device Nickname (optional);Player Tags (optional);Data Point Processing (optional);Notes (optional)
Example of a completed csv file
In this example identifying four devices, note how empty values are left blank. For example, there are no Player Tags for the second device, and no device has a Data Point Processing value.
Hardware ID,Device Nickname (optional),Player Tags (optional),Data Point Processing (optional),Notes (optional),
90:AC:3F:15:D4:8F,Lobby - Screen 1,"Toulouse, France",This is a note,
38:56:1F:B5:E4:C1,Lobby - Screen 2,,This is a different note,
90-8C-3F-E5-D4-5F,Main Entrance,"Chicago, USA",This is a third note,
D7E930001425,Lobby,"Boston, USA",These are unhelpful notes!,
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