With batch Player activation, any number of devices running Player can be automatically licensed by either entering device and Player information in a form or uploading a csv file containing device and Player information. Once each referenced device referenced is found online and running Player, a license is assigned. This approach will work even if some of the referenced devices are offline or do not yet have Player installed and running at the time of the file upload.
- This feature is only available when running Player on Windows, BrightSign, RaspberryPi and also for Player Classic.
- This feature is only available to those with an Enterprise-level account.
- Player must not have any associated license for the Batch activation to work.
Activating one device at a time: Filling out a form
The Batch Player Activation page permits the entry of device information using a form. This can be done if you have device information but don't have a csv file ready for import.
Head to the Batch Player Activation page on the My Intuiface website:
To enter device information, click the Add device button:
Then fill out the form and submit it. See this article for a review of the values requested by the form.
Activating multiple devices: Uploading a csv file
With the help of a manually created csv file, any number of Player devices can be identified for activation in a single step.
NOTE: You cannot list more devices than the number of available, unassigned licenses. The entire upload will be rejected if the imported list requires more licenses than are available.
Creating the csv file
See the article Building the csv file for details.
Uploading the csv file
When the csv file is ready, head to the Batch Player Activation page on the My Intuiface website.
On that page, click the button "Upload your CSV file", then browse to your csv file and select it.
Player license retrieval
Launch Player after uploading activation data - whether for one device via the online form or for multiple devices via csv file import. If a targeted instance of Player was already running before activation data upload occurred, restart that Player.
Modifying uploaded Player values before activation
All devices awaiting activation are listed in a table on the Batch Player Activation page. These devices await activation either because they're offline or Player is not running.
Clicking anywhere in a device row will open up a form enabling changes to parameter values.
These parameter changes can also be applied if uploading a csv file with a reference to the already added device.
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