This article only applies to a discontinued license type, the perpetual Composer Enterprise license. The notion of perpetual licensing for Composer no longer exists. Only refer to this article if you are already in possession of a perpetual Composer Enterprise license.
Perpetual Composer Enterprise licenses have a unique feature among all Intuiface licenses, if under active Maintenance, Support and Update (MSU) entitlement: they float. By "float" we mean they can be shared by multiple installations of Composer without requiring any manual intervention.
For example, a team of five designers may only require 3 perpetual licenses because no more than three members of the team will be working at any given moment. By floating, perpetual licenses are a cost effective alternative to buying one license for every team member, regardless of their work schedule.
Prerequisites for Using Floating Licenses
- Composer Enterprise perpetual licenses only float if under active Maintenance, Support and Update (MSU) entitlement. If MSU entitlement expires, licenses can still be transferred manually - see this article - but they will no longer be available in the sharing queue for floating licenses.
- All PC's using these floating perpetual Composer Enterprise licenses must have live Internet access in order to communicate with Intuiface's license server. This applies both to license check-out and license release.
- Floating licenses are associated with a specific Intuiface account. Use the same Intuiface account credentials when logging into all installations of Composer that will be used with floating licenses.
Using Intuiface Floating Licenses
If you haven't already, log into Composer. Composer will query Intuiface's license server for any available floating licenses associated with its Intuiface account. If any such licenses are available, a license is checked out. If no licenses are available, Composer will run with Free Edition features.
The login process requires a live Internet connection. Without a live connection, login is not possible.
The now retrieved perpetual license will be retained until selection of Composer's menu item Help -> Logout. (See this article for more about the logout process.) If the PC has a live Internet connection, the license will be released back into the license pool. Without a live connection, logout is prevented and the license is retained.
Monitoring Floating Licenses in Your License Dashboard
The Status column of the License Dashboard identifies the current state of a given license. The two options are:
- Available this license is available for use with any Composer installation associated with the same Intuiface account.
- Retained on [PC name] this license is currently locked on the specified PC. A logout in Composer will release the license, freeing it for use on another PC.
Licenses that are currently Retained can be forced to release using the Release from computer option in the License Key column. For more information about releasing a license, see this article.
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