NOTE: This article concerns Intuiface Player on the Tizen-based Samsung SMART Signage Platform (aka the Samsung SSP). Although Tizen can also be found on Samsung TVs, Intuiface only supports SMART Signage displays.
Important Design Considerations
The capacity of the Samsung SSP to 1) manage a large number of graphics in a single Intuiface scene and 2) keep large graphic media files in memory is equivalent to that of a modestly powered Windows PC. As a result, an Intuiface experience that performs well on a Windows PC might act sluggish on the SSP.
We highly recommend the following:
- Minimize the file size of graphic media. For example, a 4k Ultra HD video on the SSP will consume an enormous amount of system RAM, risking serious performance issues.
- Keep it simple. Because the Samsung SSP is not built to handle large amounts of graphic media and data processing, favor the creation of simple experiences.
- Test often. Play Mode in Composer does not reproduce the resource limitations of the SSP. You must run your experience on the SSP to assess its true performance quality.
- Review the rest of this page to be sure you are acquainted with all limitations. Player for Windows offers a superset of capability over Player for Samsung SSP. This difference will narrow over time, but at the moment, not every design option is available for use on tablets.
Please check that your SSSP is compliant with Intuiface Player in this section.
Features Never to be Supported
Certain Intuiface capabilities available on Player for Windows will never be available on Player for Samsung Tizen because this operating system does not support the underlying technology:
- Websites that require a same-origin policy.
The Web Browser Asset can only display websites that permit cross-origin resource sharing - i.e. that don't require a same-origin policy. If you attempt to load a website requiring a same-origin policy, the Web Browser asset will display an error message stating the connection was "refused" due to "X-Frame-Options". Most public websites (such as Google, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, ...) require the same-origin policy and cannot be displayed in Player on Samsung SMART Signage. Sites like these may be accessed using embeddable code placed within the HTML Frame Asset instead. - Any Interface Asset using a .NET DLL. Over time, all out-of-the-box interface assets will be built using REST or TypeScript, both of which are cross-platform technologies. For a list of which out-of-the-box interfaces are available, see this page.
Features Currently Unsupported
- Please refer to the General Limitations article for a list of known limitations.
Additional Limitations
- Experiences published to an FTP/FTPS site cannot be downloaded.
- Effects
- Only supports Brightness and Grayscale effects.
- Video Asset
- A maximum of 3 videos can be played simultaneously
- Video nested inside an HTML asset cannot be manipulated
- Rendering issues might be observed when manipulating (rotate, pinch to zoom) a playing Video Asset
- Video from HCMS might present a loading error the first time when loading the experience. Restarting the experience should solve the problem.
- Webcam Asset
- Web Browser Asset
- Web pages containing Web Camera are not supported
- Web Browser cannot display PDF files.
- Web Browser's "disable scroll" property
- Web Pages containing PDF files will not be loaded.
- Websites with "Infinite Scroll" functionality are not supported.
- Web pages displaying 3D models using Three.js will not load the 3D model when using the Web Browser asset.
- OS Keyboard's "Enter" key cannot be used to validate a text input. GO key can be used instead
- Text Input
- Text might be cropped after editing the text input
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