NOTE: The USB Export control discussed below was replaced in Intuiface Version 4.5 with the Share via USB Drive interface asset. This article exists only to support those using Intuiface Version 4.3 or earlier.
Some assets (images, videos, documents) have an option allowing users to export (copy) content of the asset from your experience onto an external USB storage device.
To allow users exporting content to an external USB key, you must first add a USBexport asset to your Space, then enable assets for export.
1) To add a USBexport asset to your project, refer to this Knowledge Base article.
2) To enable assets for USB export:
in the main Scene:
Select an image, video or document you want to enable for USB export -
Open the selected asset's All Properties panel
Click the Tools section and check the Show export button property as per the screenshot below:
- Perform the same modification for other image, video or document assets you want to enable for USB export
3) Now hit <F5> to experiment
4) Connect a USB key to the computer you are running the Intuiface Experience on
5) Touch the export button of an asset you want to save on the USB key:
The asset is added to the USB export component
6) From the USBexport asset, click or tap the COPY ON USB KEY button...
The selected assets are copied to the external USB key
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