Position items in a scene
The x, y position of an asset or collection in a scene is based upon the position of its center point relative to the overall scene . The upper left-hand corner of the scene has the coordinates 0,0. Items positioned to the left or above that point will have negative x and/or y values. Items to the right or below that point will have positive x and/or y values.
In the following image, the x, y position of the asset in the upper lefthand corner is 0,0 because it's center point overlays the cornermost pixel of the scene. (The scene is represented by the white box in the lower right of the image below. Click the image to zoom.)
Center an item horizontally in a scene
To center an item (asset or collection) horizontally:
- Divide the width of the scene, in pixels, by 2
- Take that number and assign it to the X property of the asset or collection
For a FullHD 1920 x1080 scene, set the X value to 960.
Center an item vertically in a scene
To center an item (asset or collection) vertically:
- Divide the height of the scene, in pixels, by 2
- Take that number and assign it to the Y property of the asset or collection
For a FullHD 1920 x 1080 scene, set the Y value to 540.
Position Items in a Layout Collection
Both the Group and Pinboard collections are considered "layout collections" because items can be placed anywhere inside their container.
The x, y position of an asset or collection inside the Group and Pinboard collection is based upon the position of the item's center point relative to the interior of the collection. Consider the upper left-hand corner of the group or pinboard to have a coordinate of 0,0. Items positioned to the left or above that point will have negative x and/or y values. Items to the right or below that point will have positive x and/or y values.
In the following image, the x, y position of the item in the Group collection is 0, 600 because the center point of the item is directly over the bottom left corner of a Group that is 600 pixels high.
Center an item horizontally in a group or pinboard
To center an item (asset or collection) horizontally:
- Divide the width of the group or pinboard, in pixels, by 2
- Take that number and assign it to the X property of the asset or collection
For a 600 x 300 pinboard, set the X value to 300.
Center an item vertically in a group or pinboard
To center an item (asset or collection) vertically:
- Divide the height of the group or pinboard, in pixels, by 2
- Take that number and assign it to the Y property of the asset or collection
For a 600 x 300 pinboard, set the Y value to 150.
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