When creating Intuiface experiences, it is possible to collect user data at runtime and save it to an Excel spreadsheet. This spreadsheet can be opened locally on a Windows PC or sent via email by any type of Player.
For example, perhaps we would like someone interacting with our experience to be able to enter their first name, last name, e-mail address and additional comments. When the user touches a "Send" button, this information is stored in an Excel spreadsheet using the Excel interface asset - referred to from this point as the Excel IA. At some time, we would like to access this spreadsheet to extract the entered data.
NOTE: Excel is not the only option for capturing form data. You could use Intuiface's Analytics capability to store form data in the cloud. Or you could bind form data to your own custom backend via a Web Service API, .NET dll or Javascript function using a custom interface asset. We use Excel in this example because it is likely the simplest for users of Intuiface to reproduce.
On a Windows PC, Excel spreadsheets referenced when creating an Excel IA are copied and placed into your project at the following location:
All modifications achieved through the use of the Excel IA's Add row action are applied to this local copy. If you want to retrieve the user data collected at runtime, you need to open the local copy or send this local copy by email using the Email Interface Asset.
How to email a spreadsheet referenced by an Excel Interface Asset
- Add a Share via Email Interface asset to your experience
- On the*“Send”* button or by using any other trigger, call the “Add item to sharing queue” action. For this action's URI property bind the value of the property File path associated with the Excel IA.
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- On the same trigger, add a second action to send the email to the desired email address. You could also bind the Excel file to the Body of the E-mail, but this would hinder the ability to write content.
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