Presenting assets as minimized icons helps you to keep your Intuiface experience clear and simple.
Assets remain in view and users can "open" them to expose their content. Composer enables use of an image to serve as an icon representing your asset when it is minimized.
Here is how it's done:
1) Prepare an asset you want to present as a minimized icon:
- Add an asset (an image or a document, for example) to your experience, and in the main scene, select your new asset (if it is not already selected).
2) Make the asset minimizable:
- In the Properties panel, under the Container Behavior tab, select the checkbox for the Show minimize button property. A Minimize button is automatically added to the asset's container.
3) Minimize the asset and assign an image:
- Set the Initial view state property to Minimized. Note how the asset is immediately minimized in Composer.
In the Minimize behavior section of the properties window, use the Minimized image property to select the image. In Composer, the asset is now displayed as a minimized icon.
Close the properties window, and resize/reposition your minimized asset if necessary.
4) Test your minimized asset:
- Hit F5 to see the result of your modifications --> If you interact with the minimized icon, the corresponding asset is displayed with its normal size and properties.
The other properties for minimized assets allow you to:
define another image to display when your minimized asset is pressed
let your users move your minimized asset to another location
specify the on-screen location for the minimized asset's icon
define the size and orientation of the minimized asset
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