Geocoding is the process of converting addresses (like "1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA") into geographic coordinates (like latitude 37.423021 and longitude -122.083739), information you can use to either position the Map collection or place markers on it.
Reverse geocoding is the process of converting geographic coordinates (latitude/longitude) into a human-readable address.
These two interface assets rely on the Google Geocoding API. For more information about the Geocoding API, see this article.
Address to coordinates
This Interface Asset enables a user to search for an address, returning a list of results with both latitude and longitude information as well as well-formatted address for this geocoordinates. You can then display this list using a Map collection, or display only the best result as shown in our default design below.
- Address: the physical address to convert into geographic coordinates (ex: 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA)
- Output language: The language to use in the well formatted address(es) found by the interface asset
The properties below are read-only, meaning you can only access them through binding. Use them to display the results of your search.
Best result
- Latitude: the latitude of the best result found
- Longitude: the longitude of the best result found
- Address : the well formatted address of the best result found
- All Results: the list off all found results. Each result is comprised of a with the same Latitude, Longitude and Address.
Coordinates found: raised when results are found for the entered address. Contains the following parameters for the best result:
- Best result address
- Best result latitude
- Best result longitude
Coordinates not found: raised when no results were found. Contains the entered address and an error message as parameters.
- Address
- Error message
There are no specific actions for this interface asset. However, the generic Set asset properties actions are available for the purpose of changing the Address or Language properties to perform a new search.
Coordinates to address
This interface asset enables a user to convert a latitude/longitude pair into an address. The geographic coordinates can come from an external data source (e.g an Excel spreadsheet for example) or from the Map collection itself.
In the default design, tapping or double tapping a location will give you the nearest address found.
- Latitude: the latitude to use for the address lookup
- Longitude: the longitude to use for the address lookup
- Output language: The language in which to return results.
The properties below are read-only, meaning you can only access them through binding. Use them to display the results of your search.
- Output address: the well formatted found address
Additional Information: detailed information about the found address
- Country
- City
- Neighborhood
- State/Province
- County
- Postal code
- Street number
- Street name
Address found: raised when an address was found for the given geographic coordinates. Contains the following parameters:
- Address
- Latitude
- Longitude
Address not found: raised when no results were found. Contains the following parameters:
- Error message
- Latitude
- Longitude
- Find address: set both latitude / longitude for a new search in a single action
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