Note: The Share & Deploy API feature is only available for ENTERPRISE level Intuiface accounts.
This article explains how the Using the Intuiface Share and Deploy API sample experience was built and how you can reuse it for your own needs. To access this sample, use the Examples tab of the Experiences panel in Composer. You can also download it from this page in the Intuiface Examples catalog.
This experience illustrates how you can use the Share and Deploy API in an Intuiface experience and collect, organize, and display data about your Players and Experiences. You can access the full Share and Deploy API documentation here.
How it works
The main principles are the following:
- when the experience starts, it prompts the user for his Intuiface Credential Key. Make sure the key you generate and use has the "Share and Deploy API" scope checked
- once the Credential Key is validated, several requests are made to the API, and "My Players" and "My Experiences" scenes are populated by the returned data
- Players and experiences can be browsed, searched, and filtered, and each item displays a rich collection of properties
For testing purposes, if you want to see both player and experience Asset Grid populated in your Composer, you can type directly your Credential Key as the value of Global Variable "CredentialKey". This will also disable the popup that asks for it.
Upon entering the experience, after prompting for Credential Key, "APICheck" request is sent to validate it.
My Players
The "Player Collection" Asset Grid is populated by the "players" request on Share and Deploy API. When a filter (platform/status) or search criteria is used, the "players" request is updated, hence the display.
Each element of the Asset Grid displays a card with all the properties of a Player. If an experience is running on that Player, a snapshot image is provided, and extra details are available on a collapsible panel at the bottom, accessed by tapping it.
The request "players" has been duplicated and modified to create the requests "playersAll", "playersOnline", and "playersOffline" to populate the bottom tab bar values for the number of total Players, online Players (in green badge), and offline Players (in red badge).
My Experiences
The "Experience Collection" Asset Grid is populated by the "experiences" request on Share and Deploy API. When a filter (status/sharing) or search criteria is used, the "experiences" request is updated, hence the display.
Each element of the Asset Grid displays a card with all the properties of an experience. Data is broken down into two tabs:
- MAIN tab: displays common properties, and a snapshot image is provided. Extra details are available on a collapsible panel at the bottom, accessed by tapping it
- SHARING tab: displays data related to Shared with URL, Shared with accounts, or Locked
The request "experiences" has been duplicated and modified to create the requests "experiencesAll", "experiencesPublished", and "experiencesError" to populate the bottom tab bar values for the number of total experiences, experiences published (in green badge), and experiences in error (in red badge).
Cloud Status
This scene is a simple Web Browser Asset displaying Intuiface Cloud status. You can access it directly here:
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