This article describes how we created a quiz in Intuiface through the use of an Excel file. You can download the Quiz experience here
This projects uses the following concepts:
- Excel Interface Asset as a data source
- Data Template for formatting the look of the data
- Simple Counter Interface Asset to keep track of the score
- multiple Triggers & Actions to hide/show different visual elements of the quiz
To locate the Excel file, unzip the Quiz experience and open the folder Quiz-Model_files, then Interface Assets, then Quiz-Model_xlsx. Here you will see the file Quiz-Model.xlsx.
This Excel file contains the following information:
- Question Number: could be displayed as a header of your question group
- Question: the question itself
- Answer A -- D: the different available answers. In this sample we allowed a maximum of 4 answers. If you need more, just add a column.
- Points A -- D: the points given per answer. Basically, a wrong answer is worth 0 points while a good answer is worth 1 point. You could imagine several good answers or particular answers giving more points.
- A -- D visible: if you don't have 4 answers for a certain question, just hide them by setting the corresponding cell in these columns to false.
(Click to enlarge)
The End line contains displayed text while the Questions collection (implemented as a Flip Chart here) is hidden. To do that, we used the Reached Index trigger of the Flip Chart:
When [Index 11] of the [Questions Flipchart] is reached
Then hide the [Questions Flipchart] and show the [Quiz completed
(see below)
(Click to enlarge)
You can also download the full sample from our online Intuiface Examples catalog
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