NOTE: The QR Code interface asset will only work on Windows PCs. See the last section below for an alternative that works on all platforms.
The QR Code Interface Asset (IA) is an "off-the-shelf" component of Intuiface permitting the encoding of a given string into a QR code that can then be automatically rendered on screen.
The input parameter of this Interface Asset is the text to be encoded. Although typically used to encode URLs, any text string can be processed.
Any Intuiface user can modify the visual representation of the QR Code IA. This visual representation - specified by a data template - can access and manipulate any of the properties listed later in this article
Properties, Triggers & Actions
- Text to encode, text containing the URL or text to be encoded as a QR code
The property below is a read-only property, thus only visible through a binding
- Generated QR code path, text containing the full path to the QR code image - a .png file - on your local filesystem. This value includes the name of the .png file itself and thus it can be used as the content value for an Image asset through binding.
- Set Text to encode, sets the value of the parameter as the text to encode
- Text to encode: the new text to encode as a QR code
Alternative for platforms other than Windows
If you need to generate a QR Code for an experience running on a platform other than Windows, and your deployed experiences will have Internet access, use a third-party web service such as This third-party service returns a QR Code image in response to a web request. For example, here is the syntax for creating a 150 pixel by 150 pixel QR Code containing the URL "":
To adopt such a method:
- If the URL is dynamically generated, use a Text Manipulation Interface Asset or Converter to combine the root URL with dynamic data
- Bind an Image Asset to the output of the text manipulation step. This works because an image can be represented by a URL in the Image Asset.
Video explanation - Creating QR codes
You will find in the Quarterly Q&A Live - Summer Edition 2022 video, a detailed example of how to implement QR codes in your experiences.
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