How are Platform plans shared by Primary and Secondary accounts?
All Secondary accounts inherit the ability to generate data points. Data points are associated with their corresponding Secondary account, making it possible to create Secondary account-specific charts and dashboards. Only the Primary account holder can create, edit, and share charts and dashboards.
The data point limit of the Primary account is affected by both Primary and Secondary account data collection.
What happens when my Platform plan subscription expires?
Whenever a Platform plan expires, all Analytics data will be preserved over the course of a free, 30-day Hibernate period. During that time, all stored data points, charts, and dashboards will be protected. To continue this protection after 30 days, a month-to-month Hibernate subscription is required. Without that subscription, all data points, charts, and dashboards will be lost.
If you intended to have automated subscription renewal but your credit card information was incorrect - or if you incorrectly canceled subscription renewal - note that as a courtesy we will continue to store a small buffer of new data points just in case you renew. This is a size-limited buffer so a late renewal could still result in data point loss.
What happens when I reach my data point storage limit?
We'll email you when you reach 90% of your data point storage limit. We'll also send you an email when the limit is reached.
Exceeding your Platform plan limit will result in removal of the oldest data points to make room for the newest data points. Your experiences will still run without any change in performance. Player (and Composer) will even continue to send data points to the Data Hub. The older data points will just be deleted as necessary to make room for the new data points, rendering them inaccessible to Intuiface Charts & Dashboards or to any Analytics connector for export.
You have a variety of options for staying below your data point storage limit:
- Purchase additional data point storage
You can purchase 250k data point storage packs, raising your Platform plan limit. These data point packs are renewed every month. - Export then delete data points
Download data points into a variety of third-party platforms, then delete those data points to remove them from storage. - Purchase additional Players
Each additional Player in an Intuiface account will increase your data point storage limit.
How am I informed about Analytics-related news?
By default, it is the Intuiface account holder of the Analytics plan who will be notified of events such as
- First data point capture
- Subscription expiration
- Upgrade confirmation
- Approaching or exceeding data point storage limits (once per day and when your data points quota reaches 80% and 100%)
Optionally, via the Analytics Data console, you can specify one or more email addresses (separated by commas) via the "Send data point notifications" feature to whom Analytics-related emails should be sent. Make sure these email addresses are frequently monitored.
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