NOTE: As of Composer Version 7.5.4, Timeline is no longer available for selection in the Collections Panel. It can still be used in existing experiences, but Intuiface will no longer deliver updates or bug fixes for this collection.
The Timeline collection enables you to associate interactive items with specific dates on a chronological scale. Selecting content in the timeline will cause a copy to "pop out," enabling independent manipulation of that content. Like most collections, the Timeline collection can include any asset type, including buttons and even other collections. Buttons in a Timeline can be used to trigger any action, including navigation to other scenes.
NOTE: The Timeline collection is only supported on Windows devices.
Properties, Triggers & Actions
See common collection properties for details of common properties shared by different all collection types
- Container and Content: provides the list of currently available collection styles. Select another collection style to display your assets in a different way.
- Display loading images: shows the loading indicator set by the experience property
Collection appearance
- Fill color: defines the background color
- Timescale color: defines the color of the graduations on the timeline
- Timescale font: defines the font used for the labels on the timeline
Item appearance
- Show icons: displays "asset type" identification icons on the assets in the timeline
- Initial start date: defines the start date for the time window displayed when the experience is started
- Initial timespan (days): defines the number of days shown in the time window displayed when the experience is started
Overall timespan
- Start date: defines the overall start date for the timeline
- End date: defines the overall end date for the timeline
Item behavior
- Allow interaction with item: toggle whether or not an item can be interacted with. For example, if this property is turned on, touching a video in a collection can cause the video to play.
- Show usage animation: toggles whether or not to display a graphic illustrating how to interact with this collection
- Display items as thumbnails: toggle whether or not the actual content - images, videos, etc. should be replaced by thumbnail. Using thumbnails can improve performance if the content is very large.
- Tap item to open: toggle whether or not a touch on an item will cause a copy of that item to open outside of its parent collection.
- Drag and drop item to open: toggle whether or not a drag-and-drop action on an item will cause a copy of that item to open outside of its parent collection.
- Resize ratio for opened item: identify the size multiple of an opened item in comparison to its size while inside the collection. A ratio of 1 means don't change the size, a ratio of 2 means double the size, a ratio of 0.5 means reduce the size in half, and so on.
See Triggers Overview to get details of common triggers shared by all assets or collections
- Date changes: Raised when the date has changed
- Is scrolled: Raised when this Collection has been scrolled
- Reaches date: Raised when the specified date is reached
- Date: the date to reach
- Viewport is changed: Raised when Viewport changed
See Actions Overview to get details of common actions shared by all assets or collections
- Center on date: Center the Timeline on the specified date.
- Date: the date to center the Timeline on.
- Close all opened collection items: Close all opened collection items.
- Open item at date: Open the item (if any) at the specified date.
- Date: the date of the item to open
- X: The X position to open the item at.
- Y: The Y position to open the item at.
- Orientation: The orientation to open the item with.
- Scroll to an item: Scroll to an item using its Name property.
- Item name: The name of the item to scroll to.
- Set timespan: Changes the timespan of the timeline.
- Number of days: The number of days shown in the time window.
- Set viewport: Sets the viewport.
- Initial start date: The start date for the time window.
- Initial timespan (days): The number of days shown in the time window.
- The Open item at date action requires that the collection's Visible property be set to True and that the item to be opened is already scrolled into view. If the item is not yet scrolled into view, use the Center on date or Scroll to an asset actions before calling Open item at date.
- The Set ViewPort action directly sets the start date and the timespan leveraging these 2 parameters.
Using the timeline
To add an asset to the timeline:
- Select the timeline in the scene or in the Scene Structure panel.
- Select the asset you wish to add into the timeline, drag it over the timeline and press Alt
- Making sure the asset is still selected in the turn your attention to the Properties panel
- If necessary, assign content to the asset (using the Content field)
- Set a Date to define where the asset will be displayed along the timeline. A double-click in the timeline will also enable you to drag the image to a new date.
- Set the Y property to define the vertical position of the asset on the timeline (have a look at the screenshot below and click it to zoom out). A double-click in the timeline will also enable you to drag the image to a new vertical location.
If you lose sight of your asset in the timeline you can reselect it in the Scene Structure panel as a child of your Timeline collection.
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