Player activation is the process used to associate Player with an Intuiface account and - if available - a paid license. The activation mechanism has been designed to account for very large scale and highly variable deployments.
Activating Player on iPad and Android
Choose any of the multiple Player activation options available for use.
- When a license expires it is released automatically. Player will then attempt to request a new license the next time it is run.
- If no active Platform plan/license is available, Player will not run.
License Checkout Order
If permitting Intuiface to automatically assign a license, such as when logging into Player, the license with the farthest renewal date in the future will be selected.
- On the iPad and on Android tablets, uninstalling/reinstalling Player as well as logging out and then back in will consume a new license each time it is performed. Please see our article about releasing the license from a device to ensure licenses are returned to the license server for use on other devices.
- For legacy Player for Tablets license holders: When a license pack expires, all licenses in this pack are released automatically. iPads and Android tablets with released licenses will attempt to request a new license the next time Player is run.
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