Player Command Line Arguments
The following are the arguments and corresponding options you can use when launching Intuiface Player on Windows from the command line. This is particularly useful when using a .bat file or Windows shortcut.
- All of these command line arguments are case-sensitive. Type them exactly as you see them written here.
- Please refer to the Player Configuration file article for details regarding the use of the IntuifacePlayerApp.exe.config file instead of command line options.
Specify the screen(s) Player should use in a multi-screen setup
To correctly calculate the size and position of Intuiface Player, the "Display" -> "Scale and layout" -> "Scale" settings of all Displays must be identical. Otherwise, Intuiface Player won't be displayed in the proper location or at the proper size.
Use either - but not both - of the following two options:
Will expand your experience to run across all displays connected to the Windows PC. This option is usually used with either the/playLastExperience
option or with the path to a specific Intuiface experience.
Replace "ScreenID" with the integer corresponding to the display on which display you want Intuiface Player to run. For this option, you must specify which Intuiface experience to play; see the example below.
NOTE: By default, Intuiface Player will run on the main display, where ScreenID=0. To find out a screen's ID, see this article and then subtract 1 from the derived value. However, these numbers are occasionally inaccurate, so it's best to cycle through numbers, starting with 0 for the main display.
Specify the size and position of Player within the desktop
Specify the horizontal and vertical distance, measured in pixels, that Player's upper-left corner should be from the upper-left corner of the display. Only positive values are accepted. For example, to locate Player's upper-left corner at 250 pixels to the right and below the upper-left corner of the display, use/x=250 /y=250
Specify the width and height of Player, measured in pixels. Only positive values are accepted. For example, to set Player's size to 1024 x 768, use/width=1024 /height=768
When using a multi-screen setup, the /extendeddisplay
argument must be combined with the x,y position arguments. The /ownerscreen=[ScreenID]
argument will not be considered when using x, y position arguments.
Specify which experience to play
Use either - but not both - of the following two options:
Will restart the most recently run Intuiface experience.
A reference to a specific Intuiface experience. Include the double quotes. For a look at the structure of an Intuiface project, see this article.
When neither of these two options is used, Player will launch and display the Experiences panel - with one exception. If - in the Share and Deploy console - the option "Run the last opened experience" is turned on for this Player, that option will override a launch into the Experiences panel.
Specify the port to use for remote actions
If you want to use a port other than the default IP port - port 8000 - for remote actions, use the following option. In this example, we specify port 8001 for remote actions.
This is especially useful if you want to launch and target several Players on the same Windows device with remote actions.
Specify the port used for TUIO-based touch screens and or other TUIO-related parameters
If you want to use a port other than the default IP port used by Intuiface for the TUIO protocol (port 3333), or if you want to change any other TUIO-related parameter, you must:
- Create a copy of the file
located beside the Intuiface Player executable - Edit this copy and 1) change port 3333 to the new port, or 2) change any other TUIO-related parameter as indicated in Using touch displays that support TUIO protocol
- reference this copy in your command line arguments as shown below:
Hide Player from the Windows taskbar
If you don't want to see Player listed on the Windows taskbar, use the following command line argument:
- using this command, Player will not be listed on the Windows taskbar
Additional Notes
For information about how to run Intuiface Player on a Windows PC in "kiosk mode", review this article
For information about how to run Intuiface Player on a multi-screen display wall, review this article
"C:\Program Files\IntuiLab\Intuiface\Player\IntuifacePlayerApp.exe" /ownerscreen=1 "c:\full\path\to\your\experience\your-experience.ifx"
This will launch Intuiface Player on the display with Screen ID=1 with the specified experience.
"C:\Program Files\IntuiLab\Intuiface\Player\IntuifacePlayerApp.exe" /ownerscreen=1 /width=1024 /height=768 "c:\full\path\to\your\experience\your-experience.ifx"
This will launch Intuiface Player on the display with Screen ID=1, set Player's size to 1024 x 768, and run the specified experience.
"C:\Program Files\IntuiLab\Intuiface\Player\IntuifacePlayerApp.exe" /extendeddisplay /playLastExperience
This will launch Intuiface Player across all displays connected to the Windows PC with the last used experience.
If using command line options:
- Do not rely on the Share and Deploy console to automate deployment; the command line options will be ignored. Instead, use the Player Configuration file, but only one configuration file can be defined, so you cannot set up several configurations for several players running on the same PC.
If you attempt to run multiple Players on the same PC:
- do not use the Share and Deploy console to manage your Players.
- do not use Intuiface Analytics, as only one Player can collect data points.
- do not use remote actions, as only one Player (the one that was launched first) will receive remote actions
- If one Player instance crashes, the Intuiface Player Agent service running in the background will first kill all other running Player instances and then randomly relaunch only one, displayed on the main screen. We strongly recommend uninstalling the Intuiface Player Agent application to avoid unpredictable behavior if you intend to run multiple Players on the same PC simultaneously.
NOTE: Every time you update Intuiface Player, the Intuiface Player Agent service will be automatically reinstalled and run. Thus, after every Player update, you'll have to uninstall the agent again.
Player Installer Command Line Arguments
If you would like to automate the installation of Player for Windows, you must use both of the following options to ensure the installation is fully silent:
- It is also possible to uninstall Player silently using the same option. The uninstaller is located in the Player installation folder. The command to uninstall Player silently is the following:
"C:\Program Files\IntuiLab\Intuiface\Player\unins000.exe" /VERYSILENT /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES
- For the silent installation of Player for Windows Version 5, use the option
instead of the two arguments listed above for Version 6.
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